how to use the interval function from the rxjs library in typescript

To use the interval function from the rxjs library in TypeScript, you need to first import it from the library:

import { interval } from 'rxjs';
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The interval function creates an Observable that emits sequential integers every specified interval of time. You can create an Observable with a specified interval in milliseconds, like so:

const observable = interval(1000); // Emits every 1s
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Next, you can subscribe to this Observable to start receiving its emissions. You can do this by calling the subscribe method on the Observable, like so:

const subscription = observable.subscribe(
  nextValue => console.log(nextValue), // Handle each emitted value
  error => console.error(error),      // Handle errors
  () => console.log('Complete')       // Handle completion event
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Finally, you can unsubscribe from the Observable at any time by calling the unsubscribe method on the subscription object:

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Overall, here's what the complete code could look like:

import { interval } from 'rxjs';

const observable = interval(1000); // Emits every 1s

const subscription = observable.subscribe(
  nextValue => console.log(nextValue), // Handle each emitted value
  error => console.error(error),      // Handle errors
  () => console.log('Complete')       // Handle completion event

subscription.unsubscribe(); // Unsubscribe and stop the Observable
390 chars
12 lines

gistlibby LogSnag