how to use the isarraybuffer function from the underscore library in typescript

To use the _.isArrayBuffer function from the Underscore library in TypeScript, you should first install the Underscore type definition by running the following command in your project's root directory:

npm install --save-dev @types/underscore
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Then, in your TypeScript file, you can import the Underscore library and use the _.isArrayBuffer function like this:

import * as _ from 'underscore';

const myArrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
console.log(_.isArrayBuffer(myArrayBuffer)); // logs "true"
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Here, we first import the Underscore library using the * as _ syntax to give it an alias of _. Then, we create an ArrayBuffer object and pass it to the _.isArrayBuffer function to check if it is an instance of ArrayBuffer.

Note that the Underscore type definition provides TypeScript support for all of the Underscore library's functions, including _.isArrayBuffer.

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