how to use the isarraylikeobject function from the lodash library in typescript

To use the isArrayLikeObject function from the lodash library in TypeScript, you first need to install both the lodash library and its type definitions:

npm install lodash
npm install --save-dev @types/lodash
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Then, you can import the function and use it in your TypeScript code:

import { isArrayLikeObject } from 'lodash';

function foo(input: any) {
  if (isArrayLikeObject(input)) {
    // do something with the array-like object
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The isArrayLikeObject function returns a type guard value that TypeScript can use to determine if an object is an array-like object (i.e. has a length property that is a non-negative integer). In this example, the if statement will only execute if input is an array-like object.

Note that the @types/lodash package provides type definitions for the lodash library, which includes interfaces for all of the exported functions. This allows TypeScript to understand the types of the function parameters and return values, and provides better type checking and auto-completion when using lodash functions in TypeScript code.

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