how to use the isobjectlike function from the lodash library in typescript

To use the isobjectlike function from the lodash library in typescript, you would need to install the library first using a package manager like npm. You can then import the function from the library and use it in your typescript code.

Here's an example of how to use the isobjectlike function:

import { isObjectLike } from 'lodash';

function exampleFunction(value: unknown) {
  if (isObjectLike(value)) {
    // do something with the object-like value
    console.log('Value is object-like');
  } else {
    console.log('Value is not object-like');
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In this example, isObjectLike is imported from the lodash library and is used inside a function. The isObjectLike function is passed a value which is of the unknown type, which means it can be any type. The function checks whether this value is object-like using the isObjectLike function from lodash. If the value is object-like, the function logs a message to the console.

To ensure that typescript understands the function's typings, you can download the type declarations for lodash through npm:

npm i -D @types/lodash
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Then in your code, add a reference to it:

import { isObjectLike } from 'lodash';

function exampleFunction(value: unknown) {
  if (isObjectLike(value)) {
    // do something with the object-like value
    console.log('Value is object-like');
  } else {
    console.log('Value is not object-like');
262 chars
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In this example, isObjectLike is used inside a function that takes a value of unknown type. Because isObjectLike is properly type declared, it will provide a more accurate type when used within the function.

gistlibby LogSnag