how to use the overevery function from the lodash library in typescript

To use the overEvery function from the lodash library in TypeScript, you first need to install the @types/lodash package which provides type definitions for the lodash library. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install --save-dev @types/lodash
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Once you have installed the package, you can import the overEvery function from lodash as shown below:

import * as _ from 'lodash';

const isEven = (n: number) => n % 2 === 0;
const isGreaterThanTen = (n: number) => n > 10;

const isEvenAndGreaterThanTen = _.overEvery([isEven, isGreaterThanTen]);

console.log(isEvenAndGreaterThanTen(12)); // true
console.log(isEvenAndGreaterThanTen(9)); // false
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In the example code above, we import the overEvery function from lodash using the import * as _ from 'lodash'; statement. We then define two predicate functions, isEven and isGreaterThanTen, which we want to combine using overEvery.

We create a new function called isEvenAndGreaterThanTen which is the composition of isEven and isGreaterThanTen. We pass an array of the two functions to overEvery to create this composition.

Finally, we test the isEvenAndGreaterThanTen function by invoking it with different numbers and checking if it returns the expected results.

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