how to use the uniqueid function from the underscore library in typescript

To use the uniqueId function from the Underscore.js library in TypeScript, you need to first install the Underscore.js library, if you haven't already. You can install it using a package manager like npm or yarn:

npm install underscore
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Once you have installed the Underscore.js library, you can import it in your TypeScript file like this:

import * as _ from 'underscore';
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Now you can use the uniqueId function from the Underscore.js library in your TypeScript code like this:

const id: string = _.uniqueId('prefix_');
console.log(id); // Output: prefix_1
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The uniqueId function generates a unique ID that is based on a prefix. In the example above, the generated ID will start with the "prefix_" string and will have a unique number appended to it each time the function is called.

Note that TypeScript has built-in type definitions for the Underscore.js library, so you will get type checking and auto-completion for the _.uniqueId function if you are using a TypeScript-aware editor or IDE.

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