how to use the watch function from the fs-extra library in typescript

To use the watch function from the fs-extra library in TypeScript, you need to first import the watch function from the library.

import { watch } from "fs-extra";
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The watch function takes two arguments: the path to the file or directory to watch, and an options object that contains the options for the watcher. Here's an example of how to use the watch function in TypeScript:

const pathToWatch = "/path/to/watch";
const watcher = watch(pathToWatch, { recursive: true });

watcher.on("change", (path: string) => {
  console.log(`File ${path} has been changed`);

watcher.on("add", (path: string) => {
  console.log(`File ${path} has been added`);

watcher.on("unlink", (path: string) => {
  console.log(`File ${path} has been removed`);
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In this example, we're watching the directory located at /path/to/watch. We've specified the recursive option to true, which means that any changes made to files within subdirectories of the directory being watched will also be detected.

We've also attached event listeners to the watcher for the "change", "add", and "unlink" events. When a file is changed, added or removed, the corresponding event listener will be invoked, and the path to the affected file will be passed to the listener callback function.

With these event listeners in place, you can detect changes to files within the watched directory and take appropriate action in response to those changes.

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