how to use the weekstodays function from the date-fns library in typescript

To use the weekstodays function from the date-fns library in TypeScript, follow these steps:

  1. Install the date-fns library using npm or yarn:

    npm install date-fns
    21 chars
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    yarn add date-fns
    18 chars
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  2. Import the weekstodays function from date-fns:

    import { weekstodays } from 'date-fns';
    40 chars
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  3. Call the weekstodays function with the desired number of weeks:

    const weeks = 2;
    const days = weekstodays(weeks);
    console.log(days); // 14
    75 chars
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    The weekstodays function takes one argument, the number of weeks to convert to days. It returns the equivalent number of days as a number.

  4. Make sure to specify the esModuleInterop option in the TypeScript configuration file (usually tsconfig.json) to allow for default imports from CommonJS modules, which is the format of the date-fns package:

      "compilerOptions": {
        "esModuleInterop": true
    59 chars
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