how to use the yearstomonths function from the date-fns library in typescript

To use yearstomonths function from the date-fns library in TypeScript, we need to first install the library as a dependency in our project using the following command:

npm install date-fns
21 chars
2 lines


yarn add date-fns
18 chars
2 lines

Once installed, we need to import the yearstomonths function from date-fns as follows:

import { yearstomonths } from 'date-fns';
42 chars
2 lines

We can then use the function by passing in the number of years that we want to convert to months as the argument. The function returns the equivalent number of months as a number.

const months = yearstomonths(2);
console.log('Number of months:', months);
// output: Number of months: 24
107 chars
4 lines

Here is an example that shows how to use the yearstomonths function within a TypeScript application:

import { yearstomonths } from 'date-fns';

function convertYearsToMonths(years: number): number {
  const months = yearstomonths(years);
  return months;

const years = 2;
const months = convertYearsToMonths(years);
console.log(`${years} years is equal to ${months} months.`);

// output: 2 years is equal to 24 months.
322 chars
13 lines

This example defines a function convertYearsToMonths that takes a years argument, calls the yearstomonths function to convert the argument to months, and returns the result. Finally, the convertYearsToMonths function is called with years value of 2, and the result is printed to the console.

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