list all pull requests in a github repository in typescript

To list all pull requests in a GitHub repository using TypeScript, you can utilize the GitHub REST API which provides endpoints to access various resources such as repositories, pull requests, issues, etc. Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to list all pull requests using the octokit/rest.js library, which is a popular and versatile GitHub REST API client for JavaScript and TypeScript:

import { Octokit } from "@octokit/rest";

const octokit = new Octokit({

const owner = "octocat";
const repo = "hello-world";
const prs = await{

console.log(`Total: ${} pull requests found:`); => {
  console.log(`#${pr.number} - ${pr.title} (${pr.html_url})`);
395 chars
18 lines

Here, we first create a new instance of the Octokit class and provide our personal access token for authentication. Then, we specify the GitHub repository owner and name for which we want to list the pull requests. Finally, we call the pulls.list method of the namespace, which returns an array of pull requests. We use the data property of the response object to access this array and iterate over it using the forEach method to log the pull request number, title, and URL for each pull request found.

Note that you need to replace YOUR_GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN with your actual personal access token, which you can create in your GitHub account settings. Also, you may need to install the octokit/rest.js library (npm install @octokit/rest) and configure your TypeScript project to use it.

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