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codex-davinci code snippets in csharp
create a c# program using codex davinci to get natural language querys and transform to sql server database with a transaction and customers tables in csharp in csharp
create a c# program using codex davinci to natural language querys from a sql server database in csharp
create a program using codex davinci to query a customer table in sql server in csharp
generate a c# program using codex davinci to query using natural language a transaction table with structure (id, transactiondate, amount, response, customer name) for financial analysis in csharp
generate a c# program using codex davinci using natural language to get patterns from a transaction table with structure (id, transactiondate, amount, response, customer name) in csharp
generate a c# program using codex davinci using natural language to get statistics from a transaction in csharp
by LogSnag