create a program using codex davinci to query a customer table in sql server in csharp

Here's an example of how you can use Codex Davinci to query a customer table in SQL Server using C#:

using System;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using OpenAI.Codex;
using OpenAI.Codex.Enums;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Initialize Codex Davinci API credentials 
        var codex = new CodexDavinci(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY");

        // Set up SQL connection string
        string connectionString = "YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING";

        // Prompt user for input
        Console.WriteLine("Enter customer name:");
        string customerName = Console.ReadLine();

            // Create SQL connection
            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

                // Create SQL command
                string sql = $"SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Name = '{customerName}'";
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection))
                    // Use Codex Davinci to generate SqlDataReader code
                    CodexResponse response = codex.DavinciCsharp(
                        engine: DavinciCsharpEngine.DavinciCsharpCodexBeta,
                        prompt: $"Generate SqlDataReader code to query customer table for {customerName}",
                        maxTokens: 256,
                        temperature: 0.5,
                        topP: 1.0,
                        frequencyPenalty: 0.0,
                        presencePenalty: 0.0,
                        stopSequence: new string[] { "\n\n" },
                        additionalParameters: new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                            { "sqlCommand", command.CommandText }

                    // Output generated code
        catch (Exception ex)

        // Wait for user input before closing program
2067 chars
61 lines

This example prompts the user for a customer name, generates SQL code to query the Customers table for that customer, and then uses Codex Davinci to generate C# code to execute the SQL query using a SqlDataReader. The generated code is output to the console. Note that you'll need to substitute your own API key and connection string in place of YOUR_API_KEY and YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING, respectively.

gistlibby LogSnag