file-io code snippets in csharp

alphabetize the columns of a csv file in csharp
append to a csv file in csharp
append to a file in csharp
combine two csv files in csharp
convert the first 10 characters in a binary file to text in csharp
create a csv file in csharp
create a login console app that reads data from json file named user in csharp
create a text file in csharp
delete a csv file in csharp
delete a directory in csharp
delete a json file in csharp
encrypt a file in csharp
find the creation date of a directory in csharp
find the extension of a csv file in csharp
find the last accessed date of a directory in csharp
find the last accessed date of a json file in csharp
find the last modified date of a file in csharp
find the path of a json file in csharp
find the root directory of a directory in csharp
find the size of a csv file in csharp
parse csv file in csharp
read a csv file in csharp
read a file in csharp
read each line of an input file and put it in a matrix in csharp
read in a file in csharp
read json file in csharp
read line from text in csharp
rename a csv file in csharp
rename a file in csharp
rename all files on the computer to joe.txt in csharp
save a scriptable object to js9n file in csharp
save dictionary to json in csharp
save to json in csharp
select csv file in csharp
select csv file and add a new column with yes or no and move the new csv to destination in csharp
select csv file and for each line add a new column called situation and for each line fill the situation with anything and move the new csv to destination in csharp
select csv file and for each line add a new column called situation and for each line fill the situation with yes or no and move the new csv to destination in csharp
select csv file and for each line add a new column with yes or no and move the new csv to destination in csharp
windows forms program that automates file updates in csharp
write to a csv file in csharp
write to a file in csharp

gistlibby LogSnag