get asset from resources folder unity in csharp

To get an asset from the resources folder in Unity using C#, you can use the Resources.Load() method. This method allows you to load assets from the Assets/Resources folder by providing the path to the asset relative to that folder.

Here's an example of how to load a texture asset from the Assets/Resources/Textures folder:

using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour
    public Texture2D myTexture;

    void Start()
        // Load the texture asset from the Resources folder
        myTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/my_texture");
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In this example, we have a public field myTexture of type Texture2D that will hold the loaded asset. In the Start() method, we call Resources.Load<Texture2D>() and pass in the path to the texture asset, which is "Textures/my_texture" in this case.

Note that you do not need to include the file extension in the path string when using Resources.Load(). This method will automatically determine the correct file extension based on the type parameter you provide (Texture2D in this case).

Also note that the Resources.Load() method can be slower than other asset-loading methods in Unity, so it should be used judiciously and only when necessary.

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