shrinkwrap mesh in csharp

To perform mesh shrink wrapping in Unity using C#, you can use the Mesh Collider component along with the Shrink Wrap algorithm.

Here is the code you can use to shrink wrap a mesh:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class ShrinkWrap : MonoBehaviour
    public MeshFilter targetMesh;
    public float distanceThreshold = 0.1f;

    private MeshFilter meshFilter;
    private MeshCollider meshCollider;

    void Start()
        // Get the MeshFilter component of the target mesh and store it
        meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
        // Add a MeshCollider to this gameObject and store a reference to it
        meshCollider = gameObject.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();

        // Assign the targetMesh as the sharedMesh of the MeshCollider
        meshCollider.sharedMesh = targetMesh.mesh;

    void FixedUpdate()
        // Get all contacts between the MeshCollider and the targetMesh
        ContactPoint[] contacts = meshCollider.GetContacts(targetMesh.mesh, new ContactPoint[10]);
        // Loop through all contacts
        for(int i = 0; i < contacts.Length; i++)
            // Calculate the distance between the current contact and the target
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(contacts[i].point, targetMesh.transform.position);

            // If the distance is less than the threshold, move this gameObject to the contact point
            if(distance < distanceThreshold)
                transform.position = contacts[i].point;
1428 chars
44 lines

In this script, you assign the target mesh (which you want to wrap around) in the editor using the targetMesh public variable.

In the Start method, you get the MeshFilter component of this gameObject (which should have the mesh that you want to shrink wrap), and add a MeshCollider component to it. You then assign the targetMesh as the sharedMesh of the MeshCollider.

In the FixedUpdate method, you use the GetContacts method of the MeshCollider component to get all contacts with the targetMesh.

You then loop through each contact and calculate the distance between the contact point and the target position. If the distance is less than the distanceThreshold (which you can also set in the editor), you move this gameObject to the contact point.

Overall, this script performs the shrink wrapping of one mesh onto another in Unity using C#.

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