assign a value to a pointer to an int in go

In Go, assigning a value to a pointer to an int involves two steps: declaring the pointer variable and assigning a value to it using the address-of operator "&". Here's an example:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var p *int // declare a pointer to an int
    var i int = 42 // declare an int variable and assign a value to it
    p = &i // assign the address of variable i to pointer p
    fmt.Println(*p) // dereference pointer p to get the value of i
288 chars
11 lines

In this example, we declared a pointer variable p using the var keyword with the *int type, which means that p can store the memory address of an int variable.

Then we declared an int variable i and assigned it the value 42.

Next, we assigned the address of i to p using the "address-of" operator "&".

Finally, we printed the value that p points to using the "dereference" operator "*".

Note that when we assign the address of i to p, we use the type conversion operator () to convert the type of &i from *int (pointer to int) to int (int value representing the memory address of i).

gistlibby LogSnag