create a pointer to a float in go

To create a pointer to a float value in Go, you need to declare a pointer variable that can hold the memory address of a float variable. Here's an example code block:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    // Declare a float variable
    myFloat := 3.14
    // Declare a pointer variable that holds the memory address of a float value
    var myFloatPointer *float

    // Assign the memory address of the float variable to the pointer variable
    myFloatPointer = &myFloat
    // Print the memory address of the float variable
    fmt.Printf("Memory address of 'myFloat' variable: %p\n", &myFloat)

    // Print the value of the pointer variable (which is the memory address of the float variable)
    fmt.Printf("Memory address stored in 'myFloatPointer' variable: %p\n", myFloatPointer)

    // Print the value of the float variable using the pointer variable
    fmt.Printf("Value of 'myFloat' variable using pointer variable: %f\n", *myFloatPointer)
808 chars
24 lines

In this code, we first declare a myFloat variable that holds the float value 3.14. We then declare a pointer variable myFloatPointer that can hold the memory address of a float value.

To assign the memory address of the myFloat variable to the myFloatPointer pointer variable, we use the & operator to get the memory address of myFloat.

We then print the memory address of the myFloat variable and the memory address stored in the myFloatPointer variable, which should be the same. Finally, we print the value of myFloat using the pointer variable, which is dereferenced using the * operator.

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