create a function that returns a value of type int in go

To create a function that returns a value of type int in Go, you would use the following syntax:

func functionName() int {
    // logic to calculate the integer value
    return integerValue
96 chars
5 lines

In the code block above, you would replace "functionName" with the desired name of your function, and "integerValue" with the integer value that you want the function to return.

For example, if you wanted to create a function that returns the result of adding two numbers together, you could use the following code:

func addNumbers(num1 int, num2 int) int {
    return num1 + num2
67 chars
4 lines

In this function, "addNumbers", we are taking in two integer arguments, "num1" and "num2", and returning their sum as an integer value.

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