create a sha3_512 hash from a string in go

To create a SHA3-512 hash from a string in Go, you can use the sha3 package from the module as follows:

package main

import (

func main() {
    input := "hello world"
    hash := sha3.Sum512([]byte(input))
    fmt.Printf("%x", hash[:])
179 chars
13 lines

In the above example, we first import the fmt and sha3 packages. We then define a string variable called input which we want to hash. We then call the sha3.Sum512() function passing in the input string converted to byte array. This function returns a fixed-size SHA3-512 hash which we can then print using the %x format specifier in fmt.Printf() function.

Note that because SHA3 hashes are considered cryptographically secure, you should use them for sensitive data such as passwords, credit card numbers, etc.

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