create an event in logsnag in go

To create an event in Logsnag in Go, you can use the Logsnag Go library. Follow these steps:

  1. Import the Logsnag library in your Go code:
import ""
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  1. Configure Logsnag with your API key:
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  1. Create an event with relevant data using logsnag.CreateEvent():
event := logsnag.CreateEvent("Event Name")
event.Metadata["key"] = "value"
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  1. Send the event to Logsnag servers using event.Notify():
if err := event.Notify(); err != nil {
    log.Printf("Failed to notify Logsnag: %v", err)
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The above code creates an event with the name "Event Name" and adds a key-value metadata to it. Finally, it notifies the event to Logsnag servers. If there's any error, it prints the error message in logs.

Note: Make sure to handle errors and log appropriately.

gistlibby LogSnag