find the area of a regular polygon circumscribed around a circle in go

To find the area of a regular polygon that is circumscribed around a circle, we first need to know the length of each side of the polygon. We can use trigonometry to calculate this length using the radius of the circle and the number of sides of the polygon.

Once we have the length of each side, we can use the formula for the area of a regular polygon:

Area = (n * s^2) / (4 * tan(pi/n))
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where n is the number of sides of the polygon, s is the length of each side, and pi is the mathematical constant pi.

Here's some example code in Go that implements this formula:

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define the radius of the circle and the number of sides of the polygon
	radius := 5.0
	numSides := 6

	// Calculate the length of each side using trigonometry
	sideLength := 2 * radius * math.Sin(math.Pi/float64(numSides))

	// Calculate the area of the polygon using the formula
	area := (float64(numSides) * math.Pow(sideLength, 2)) / (4 * math.Tan(math.Pi/float64(numSides)))

	// Print the result
	fmt.Printf("The area of the regular polygon with %d sides circumscribed around a circle with radius %.2f is %.2f.\n", numSides, radius, area)
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In this example, we're calculating the area of a hexagon (6 sides) that is circumscribed around a circle with a radius of 5 units. The output of this program will be:

The area of the regular polygon with 6 sides circumscribed around a circle with radius 5.00 is 64.95.
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gistlibby LogSnag