find the area of a regular polygon in go

To find the area of a regular polygon in go, you can use the following formula:

Area = 0.5 * perimeter * apothem
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Where perimeter is the total length of all sides of the polygon, and apothem is the distance from the center of the polygon to the midpoint of any side.

Here's the sample code in Go to find the area of the regular polygon with n sides, each of length s:

package main

import (

func main() {
	var n float64 = 5 // number of sides of the polygon
	var s float64 = 10 // length of each side of the polygon

	// Calculate apothem using the formula:
	apothem := s / (2 * math.Tan(math.Pi/n))
	// Calculate perimeter
	perimeter := n * s
	// Calculate area using the formula:
	area := 0.5 * perimeter * apothem

	fmt.Printf("The area of the regular polygon is: %v", area)
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You can adjust the values of n and s to calculate the area of a polygon with different number of sides and side lengths.

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