find the largest key in a map in go

To find the largest key in a Go map, you can iterate through the map and use logic to find the maximum key value. Here is an example code snippet:

func findLargestKey(m map[int]string) int {
    var largestKey int
    for key := range m {
        if key > largestKey {
            largestKey = key
    return largestKey
191 chars
10 lines

In this code, we define a function findLargestKey that takes a map as an argument. We declare a variable largestKey that will hold the largest key value we find.

We then iterate through the map using a for loop with the syntax for key := range m. At each iteration, we check if the current key value key is greater than largestKey. If it is, we update largestKey to be equal to key.

After iterating through the entire map, we return the largestKey value.

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