find the root directory of a file in go

To find the root directory of a file in Go, we can use the filepath and path packages from the standard library. We'll need to use the filepath.Dir() and path.Join() functions to traverse the file system hierarchy.

Here's an example code block that demonstrates how to find the root directory of a file:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Path to the file we're interested in
    filePath := "/path/to/your/file.txt"

    // Get the absolute path to the file
    absPath, err := filepath.Abs(filePath)
    if err != nil {

    // Traverse up the file system hierarchy until we find the root directory
    rootDir := absPath
    for rootDir != "/" {
        parentDir := filepath.Dir(rootDir)
        if parentDir == rootDir {
        rootDir = parentDir

    fmt.Println("Root directory of", filePath, "is", rootDir)
616 chars
30 lines

In this example, we start by getting the absolute path to our file using filepath.Abs(). We then use a loop to traverse up the file system hierarchy using filepath.Dir() until we find the root directory, which is the directory whose parent is itself (i.e., /). Finally, we print out the root directory.

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