find the surface area of a regular polygon circumscribed around a cone in go

To find the surface area of a regular polygon circumscribed around a cone in Go, we need to follow a few steps:

  1. Calculate the slant height of the cone l = sqrt(r^2 + h^2), where r is the radius of the base and h is the height of the cone

  2. Calculate the perimeter of the regular polygon P = n * s, where n is the number of sides and s is the length of one side

  3. Calculate the apothem of the polygon a = r * cos(pi/n), where pi is the constant for pi and n is the number of sides

  4. Calculate the surface area of the polygon A = (1/2) * P * l + (n * a^2) / (2 * tan(pi/n))

Here's the code to implement the above formula in Go:

package main

import (

func main() {
	// input parameters
	var r float64 = 5
	var h float64 = 10
	var n int = 6
	var s float64 = 4

	// calculate slant height
	l := math.Sqrt(math.Pow(r, 2) + math.Pow(h, 2))

	// calculate perimeter of regular polygon
	P := float64(n) * s

	// calculate apothem of regular polygon
	a := r * math.Cos(math.Pi/float64(n))

	// calculate surface area
	A := (0.5 * P * l) + ((float64(n) * math.Pow(a, 2)) / (2 * math.Tan(math.Pi/float64(n))))

	fmt.Printf("Surface area of the polygon circumscribed around a cone: %.2f\n", A)
576 chars
29 lines

In this example, we have taken input parameters as radius of the base r=5, height of the cone h=10, number of sides of the polygon n=6 and length of one side of the polygon s=4. The calculated surface area of the polygon circumscribed around the cone will be displayed as output.

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