find the volume of a pyramid in go

To find the volume of a pyramid in Go, we need to know the length, width, and height of the pyramid. We can do this by taking user input or by hard coding in the values.

Once we have the dimensions, we can use the formula for finding the volume of a pyramid:

// function to calculate the volume of a pyramid
func pyramidVolume(length, width, height float64) float64 {
    return (length * width * height) / 3

// example usage
length := 5.0
width := 10.0
height := 3.0
volume := pyramidVolume(length, width, height)
fmt.Printf("The volume of the pyramid is: %.2f", volume)
316 chars
12 lines

In this example, we are assuming that the length is 5 units, the width is 10 units, and the height is 3 units. By calling the pyramidVolume function with these values, we get the result of 50.00, which is the volume of the pyramid. The %.2f format specifier in the printf statement ensures that the output is formatted to two decimal places.

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