receive a binary message from a channel in go

To receive a binary message from a channel in Go, you can use the built-in channel receive operator <-. Here's an example:

// Create a channel of byte slices
ch := make(chan []byte)

// Wait for a message and read it from the channel
msg := <-ch

// Print the binary message
fmt.Printf("%x", msg)
174 chars
9 lines

In this example, we create a channel of byte slices called ch. When we want to receive a message from the channel, we use the channel receive operator <- followed by the channel variable ch. The message is read into the variable msg, which is a byte slice that contains the binary data.

Then, we can print the binary message using the %x format specifier, which formats the byte slice as hexadecimal. You could also use other format specifiers to print the binary data in different ways.

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