stream audio from windows using win32 api in go

To stream audio from Windows using Win32 API in Go language, we need to follow these steps:

  1. Import required Win32 API functions from "winmm" package.
  2. Create an audio callback function that will be called when audio is ready to be processed.
  3. Start audio streaming by calling "waveOutOpen" function with appropriate parameters.
  4. Write audio data chunks to the audio device using "waveOutWrite" function.
  5. Stop audio streaming by calling "waveOutReset" and "waveOutClose" functions.

Here's an example code that streams audio from a file using Win32 API in Go:

package main

import (

const (
    bufferSize = 20480 // 20KB buffer size

var (
    winmm       = syscall.MustLoadDLL("winmm.dll")
    waveOutOpen = winmm.MustFindProc("waveOutOpen")
    waveOutWrite = winmm.MustFindProc("waveOutWrite")
    waveOutReset = winmm.MustFindProc("waveOutReset")
    waveOutClose = winmm.MustFindProc("waveOutClose")
    audioFile *os.File

type waveFormatEx struct {
    WFormatTag      uint16
    NChannels       uint16
    NSamplesPerSec  uint32
    NAvgBytesPerSec uint32
    NBlockAlign     uint16
    WBitsPerSample  uint16
    CBSize          uint16

type wavehdr struct {
    DwBufferLength uint32
    DWBytesRecorded uint32
    LpData uintptr
    DWUser uintptr
    DWFlags uint32
    DWLoops uint32
    LpNext uintptr
    Reserved uintptr

func main() {
    audioFile, err := os.Open("audio.wav")
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error opening audio file", err)
    defer audioFile.Close()

    var wfe waveFormatEx
    err = binary.Read(audioFile, binary.LittleEndian, &wfe)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error reading wave format from audio file", err)

    var hwo uintptr
    params := &hwo
    ret, _, _ := waveOutOpen.Call(
    if ret != 0 {
        fmt.Println("Error opening audio device")

    buffer := make([]byte, bufferSize)
    for {
        bytesRead, err := audioFile.Read(buffer)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("Error reading audio file", err)
        var hdr wavehdr
        hdr.DwBufferLength = uint32(len(buffer))
        hdr.LpData = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buffer[0]))
        ret, _, _ = waveOutWrite.Call(
        if ret != 0 {
            fmt.Println("Error writing audio data to device")

2140 chars
94 lines

Note: This is just a basic example with minimal error handling. Actual code may vary based on the specific use case.

gistlibby LogSnag