cache react component in javascript

One way to optimize the performance of a React application is to cache some of its components. This can be achieved using memoization techniques. Memoization is a programming technique where the output of a function is cached based on its input.

React provides a built-in method called React.memo() that can be used to cache a component. This method is similar to the PureComponent class, which performs a shallow comparison of the component's props and state to determine whether to re-render or not. The React.memo() method does the same thing, but it works with functional components instead of class components.

Here's an example of how to use React.memo() to cache a functional component:

import React, { memo } from 'react';

const MyComponent = memo(props => {
  // perform some calculations or data fetching
  // ...

  return (
      {/* render the component */}
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In this example, the MyComponent functional component is wrapped with the memo() method, which will cache the component based on its props. If the component receives new props that are different from the previous ones, it will re-render. Otherwise, it will use the cached version for better performance.

Note that memoization can only be used for components that are expensive to render, or that have a large number of child components. For simple components, memoization may not provide any performance benefits.

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