create clandar component with constructor in javascript

To create a calendar component with a constructor in JavaScript, you can follow the below steps:

  1. Create a constructor function for the calendar component.
function Calendar(date) { = date || new Date();
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  1. Add a method to the constructor to generate the calendar HTML.
Calendar.prototype.generateHTML = function() {
    var calendarHTML = '<table>';

    // Logic to generate calendar HTML goes here.

    calendarHTML += '</table>';

    return calendarHTML;
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  1. Write the logic to generate the calendar HTML using the date property of the object.
Calendar.prototype.generateHTML = function() {
    var calendarHTML = '<table>';
    var month =;
    var year =;
    var daysInMonth = new Date(year, month+1, 0).getDate();
    var firstDayOfMonth = new Date(year, month, 1).getDay();

    calendarHTML += '<thead><tr><th>Sun</th><th>Mon</th><th>Tue</th><th>Wed</th><th>Thu</th><th>Fri</th><th>Sat</th></tr></thead><tbody>';

    var day = 1;
    for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        calendarHTML += '<tr>';
        for(var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
            if((i === 0 && j < firstDayOfMonth) || day > daysInMonth) {
                calendarHTML += '<td></td>';
            } else {
                calendarHTML += '<td>' + day + '</td>';
        calendarHTML += '</tr>';
        if(day > daysInMonth) {

    calendarHTML += '</tbody></table>';

    return calendarHTML;
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  1. Use the generateHTML method to render the calendar on the page.
var calendar = new Calendar(new Date());

document.getElementById('calendar-container').innerHTML = calendar.generateHTML();
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With these steps, you can create a calendar component with a constructor in JavaScript.

gistlibby LogSnag