find the creation date of a json file in javascript

To find the creation date of a JSON file in JavaScript, you can use the Node.js filesystem module. Here is an example code snippet:

const fs = require('fs');

const filePath = 'path/to/your/json/file.json';

fs.stat(filePath, (err, stats) => {
  if (err) throw err;
  const creationDate = stats.birthtime; // get birthtime property from stats object 
  console.log(`The JSON file was created on ${creationDate}`);
286 chars
10 lines

In this code snippet, we first require the fs module to access the filesystem related operations. Then we define the path of the JSON file as filePath.

We use the fs.stat() method to retrieve the stats of the file. If there is an error, we throw it. If not, we access the birthtime property of the stats object to get the creation date of the file.

Finally, we print the creation date to the console with a template string.

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