find the root directory of a directory in javascript

To find the root directory of a directory in Node.js, we can use the path and fs built-in modules.

First, we need to get the absolute path of the directory using the fs.realpathSync() method. Then, we can use the path.parse() method to get separate parts of the path, including the root directory.

Here's an example code snippet that finds the root directory of a given directory:

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const dirPath = '/path/to/directory';

const absolutePath = fs.realpathSync(dirPath);
const { root } = path.parse(absolutePath);

console.log(root); // Output: "/"
221 chars
10 lines

In this example, we first define the path of the directory to search for (/path/to/directory). We then use fs.realpathSync() to get the absolute path of the directory. Finally, we use path.parse() to get the root directory (/) and log it to the console.

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