get string inside curly braces and replace it in javascript

To get the string inside curly braces, you can use regular expressions in JavaScript. Here is an example code snippet:

let str = "The {quick} brown {fox} jumps over the {lazy} dog.";
let regex = /{([^}]+)}/g;
let matches = str.match(regex);
let replacements = {
  'quick': 'slow',
  'fox': 'cat',
  'lazy': 'energetic'
let newStr = str.replace(regex, (match) => {
  return replacements[match.slice(1, -1)] || match;
325 chars
13 lines

In this code, we first define a regular expression pattern that matches any string inside curly braces. We use the match() method to find all matches in the given string. We then define an object of replacements where the keys are the matched strings and the values are their corresponding replacements. Finally, we use the replace() method with a callback function to replace each matched string with the corresponding replacement value. If no corresponding value is found, we simply return the original matched string.

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