string manipulation code snippets in javascript

#$@%$%#$%# $%$% in javascript
change date "oct 11, 2022" to yyyy-mm-dd in javascript
check if a string with wildcard matches another string in javascript
convert comma separated decimal places to number in javascript
create a password with a custom length and uppercase letters in javascript
create a password with at least one uppercase letter in javascript
create a password with uppercase letters and lowercase letters in javascript
create new date form string 13.11.2022 in a safe way, give 3 ecamples in javascript
create unit test for string concatenation in javascript
extract extension from filename in javascript
find common prefix in a list of words in javascript
find credit card numbers in a string using regex in javascript
find dates in a string using regex in javascript
find email inside string with regex in javascript
find emojis in a string using regex in javascript
find mac addresses in a string using regex in javascript
find social security numbers in a string using regex in javascript
find the first character in a string in javascript
find the name of a file in javascript
find zip codes in a string using regex in javascript
first letter caps in javascript
format a date in to the format october 13, 2014 11:13:00 am in javascript
format string 05.11.2022 into date 11/5/2022 in moment.js, in a not depricated way in javascript
format string into date 5/11/2022 in the moste concise way in javascript
get only 5868 form url http://localhost:52717/ticketwizard/eventfeed/0/5868?keywordsearchstring=eventkeyword in javascript
get string inside curly braces and replace it in javascript
get the first word of every line in javascript
get the third charecter in a string in javascript
give the matlab command that lists all male names in javascript
how to make three peanut butter and jelly sandwich in javascript
how to separate text with commas in javascript
how to use the deburr function from lodash in javascript
how to use the ismatch function from the underscore library in javascript
how to use the lowercase function from lodash in javascript
how to use the lowerfirst function from lodash in javascript
how to use the startcase function from lodash in javascript
how to use the upperfirst function from lodash in javascript
iterate through all text on a page and remove any emojis in javascript
join two strings in javascript
make a function that takes in a sentence as a string and moves the first letter of every word to the end of the word, and then adds "ay" to the end of every word, and returns the string in javascript
print banana in javascript
regex expression get number 60 without 1 in javascript
regex to find number in quotes with more than once space before in javascript
remove a substring from a string at a specific index in javascript
remove all capital letters from a string in javascript
remove only break lines of start and end of string in javascript
replace string in javascript
replace substring in javascript
replace the name of a file by another name in javascript
replace the word "dog" with the word "cat" in the following sentence: "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." in javascript
reverse a string in javascript without using any array methods in javascript
reverse a string using splice in javascript
slice string based on hyphen and select second one in javascript
some weird question with in javascript
take input value. if after the first 2 charakters is no space, put space between. if ater the next 3 is no space, put space between in javascript
tempdate.tolocaledatestring(preferredculture, month) how to get month from the capital letter no matter the culture in javascript
tolocaledatestring('fr-fr', month) how to get month, starting from cappital letter in javascript
translate sentence to pig latin in javascript
use regex to find strings between single quotes in typescript in javascript
write a poem in javascript
write a regex that matches "s, n" in javascript

gistlibby LogSnag