tempdate.tolocaledatestring(preferredculture, month) how to get month from the capital letter no matter the culture in javascript

To get the month name from its corresponding uppercase character, we can make use of the Intl.DateTimeFormat object in Javascript. We can pass the preferredculture parameter to this object to ensure that it formats the Date object in the desired culture. We can then create a formatted string using tempdate.toLocaleDateString() method, pass the month parameter in the Date object accordingly. Finally, we can extract the month name from the formatted string using string manipulation.

Here's the code block that implements the above approach:

function getMonthNameFromUppercase(preferredculture, month) {
  // Create a new date object with month parameter and format in preferred culture
  const tempdate = new Date(`01-${month}-2000`);
  const formattedString = tempdate.toLocaleDateString(preferredculture, { month: 'long' });

  // Extract the month name from the formatted string using string manipulation
  const monthName = formattedString.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + formattedString.slice(1).toLowerCase();
  return monthName;

// Testing the function with cultureCode = 'en-US' and month = 'M'
console.log(getMonthNameFromUppercase('en-US', 'M')); // Output: January
634 chars
13 lines

In the above code block, the getMonthNameFromUppercase() function takes two parameters, preferredculture and month. We create a new Date object with the month input and pass it to toLocaleDateString() along with the preferredculture parameter. This creates a formatted string representing the month in the desired culture. We then extract the month name from the formatted string using string manipulation and return it.

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