how to create a deep proxy in javascript

To create a deep proxy in javascript, we can use the Proxy object. A deep proxy is a proxy that intercepts all property access, and returns a new proxy object for any object that is accessed, creating a recursive structure.

Here's an example of how to create a deep proxy in javascript:

const deepProxy = (object, handler) => {
  // Create a new Proxy object with a handler object
  return new Proxy(object, {
    // Define the get trap for property access
    get(target, property, receiver) {
      // Get the value of the property
      const value = Reflect.get(target, property, receiver);
      // If the value is an object, return a new proxy for that object
      if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
        return deepProxy(value, handler);
      // Otherwise, return the value as is
      return value;
    // Pass through all other traps to the handler

// Test the deepProxy function
const obj = {
  a: {
    b: {
      c: 'hello world'

const proxy = deepProxy(obj, {
  // Define a trap for setting a property
  set(target, property, value, receiver) {
    // Log the property that is being set and the new value
    console.log(`setting ${property} to ${value}`);
    // Pass through the set trap to the target object
    return Reflect.set(target, property, value, receiver);

// Access a deep property
proxy.a.b.c; // logs nothing, returns "hello world"

// Set a deep property
proxy.a.b.c = 'goodbye world'; // logs "setting c to goodbye world"
1250 chars
44 lines

In this example, we define a deepProxy function that takes an object and a handler, and returns a new proxy object. The get trap intercepts all property access and returns a new proxy for any object that is accessed. The set trap is defined in the handler and uses Reflect.set to set the property on the target object.

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