proxy in javascript

To create a proxy in JavaScript, you can use the http or https module in Node.js.

Here is an example of how to create a HTTP proxy using Node.js:

const http = require('http');

// Target server
const targetHost = '';
const targetPort = 80;

// Create the HTTP server
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
  // Set the headers to pass along the request
  const headers = req.headers;
  headers['host'] = targetHost;

  // Create the options for the request to the target server
  const options = {
    hostname: targetHost,
    port: targetPort,
    path: req.url,
    method: req.method,
    headers: headers

  // Send the request to the target server
  const proxyReq = http.request(options, (proxyRes) => {
    // Pass along the response from the target server
    res.writeHead(proxyRes.statusCode, proxyRes.headers);
    proxyRes.pipe(res, {
      end: true

  // Pipe the request data from the client to the target server
  req.pipe(proxyReq, {
    end: true

// Start the HTTP server
const port = 3000;
server.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`HTTP proxy server listening on port ${port}`);
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This creates a proxy server on port 3000 that forwards all HTTP requests to You can modify the targetHost and targetPort variables to set the target server for the proxy. If you want to create a HTTPS proxy, you can use the https module and modify the options object to use HTTPS.

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