how to use the appendfilesync function from fs-extra in javascript

To use the appendFileSync() function from the fs-extra package in Node.js, follow these steps:

  1. Install the fs-extra package by executing this command in your project directory:
npm install fs-extra
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  1. Import the fs and fs-extra modules in your JavaScript file:
const fs = require('fs');
const fsExtra = require('fs-extra');
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  1. Use the appendFileSync() function to append data to a file synchronously:
const data = 'Hello World!';
fsExtra.appendFileSync('file.txt', data);
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This code appends the data string to a file named file.txt in the current working directory. If the file does not exist, it will be created. The function appendFileSync() is synchronous, so it will block execution until the data is written to the file.

Alternatively, if you only need to append a small amount of data, you can use the fs.appendFileSync() method that is built into Node.js:

const data = 'Hello World!';
fs.appendFileSync('file.txt', data);
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This code does the same thing as the previous example, but with the native fs module instead of fs-extra.

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