keyboard steps to replace hello by world in vscode in all files in javascript

To replace "hello" with "world" in all files in a VS Code project using keyboard shortcuts, follow these steps:

  1. Press ctrl+shift+f to open the global search dialog box.
  2. Type "hello" in the "Search" input field.
  3. Press alt+enter to select all occurrences of "hello" in the search results.
  4. Press ctrl+h to open the replace dialog box.
  5. Type "world" in the "Replace" input field.
  6. Press alt+a to replace all occurrences of "hello" with "world" in all files in the project.

Alternatively, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts in the editor to replace text:

  1. Select the text you want to replace.
  2. Press ctrl+h to open the replace dialog box.
  3. Type "hello" in the "Search" input field.
  4. Type "world" in the "Replace" input field.
  5. Press alt+enter to select all occurrences of "hello".
  6. Press ctrl+alt+enter to replace all occurrences of "hello" with "world" in the current file. Repeat for all files in the project.

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