move a directory in javascript

To move a directory in JavaScript, you can make use of the fs module provided in Node.js. You will need to use two functions, fs.readdir() and fs.rename().

fs.readdir() is used to read the contents of the directory that you want to move. This function takes in the path of the directory as the first argument and a callback function as the second argument. The callback function takes in two arguments, an error object if there was an error in reading the directory, and an array of the directory's contents.

fs.rename() is used to rename a file or directory. To move a directory, you must use this method twice. The first time you will rename the directory to the new location, and the second time you will delete the directory from the old location.

Here's an example implementation of moving a directory asynchronously in Node.js:

const fs = require('fs');

const moveDirectory = (oldPath, newPath) => {
  fs.readdir(oldPath, (err, files) => {
    if (err) {

    // Move each file in the directory
    files.forEach((file) => {
      const oldFilePath = `${oldPath}/${file}`;
      const newFilePath = `${newPath}/${file}`;

      fs.rename(oldFilePath, newFilePath, (error) => {
        if (error) {
        console.log(`${oldFilePath} was moved to ${newFilePath}`);

    // Delete the old directory
    fs.rmdir(oldPath, (error) => {
      if (error) {
      console.log(`${oldPath} was deleted`);

moveDirectory('./oldDirectory', './newDirectory');
811 chars
36 lines

In this implementation, we have defined a function called moveDirectory(). This function takes in two arguments, oldPath and newPath, which represent the paths of the old and new directory locations respectively.

Within the function, we first read the contents of the old directory asynchronously using fs.readdir(). We then iterate over each file in the directory using a forEach() loop.

Within the loop, we define the old and new file paths and use fs.rename() to move the file. We have included error handling in case there is an issue with the file transfer.

Once we have moved all the files, we use fs.rmdir() to delete the old directory. Again, we have included error handling in case there is an issue with the directory deletion.

To use this function, you simply need to call moveDirectory() and pass in the old and new location paths as arguments.

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