add constant block data typed via back propagation on each inports at the root level of a simulink model in matlab

To add a constant block with data typed via back-propagation on each inport at the root level of a Simulink model in MATLAB, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Simulink model in MATLAB.

  2. Click on the "Library Browser" button on the toolbar to open the Simulink Library Browser.

  3. Navigate to the "Sources" category in the library browser.

  4. Drag and drop the "Constant" block from the library browser into the Simulink model window.

  5. Right-click on the "Constant" block and select "Block Parameters" to open the block parameters dialog.

  6. In the block parameters dialog, set the "Constant value" field to the desired value.

  7. Click on the "Data Type" tab in the block parameters dialog.

  8. Set the "Data type" dropdown to "Inherit via back-propagation".

  9. Repeat steps 4-8 for each inport in the Simulink model.

  10. Save the Simulink model.

Here is an example MATLAB code to add a constant block with data typed via back-propagation on each inport using a for loop:

mdl = 'my_model'; % replace with the name of your Simulink model

% get the number of inports in the model
num_inports = get_param(mdl,'Numports');

% for each inport, add a constant block with data type back-propagation
for i = 1:num_inports
    % add a constant block to the model
    const_block = add_block('simulink/Sources/Constant', [mdl '/Constant' num2str(i)]);
    % set the constant value
    set_param(const_block, 'Value', '0');
    % set the data type to back-propagation
    set_param(const_block, 'OutDataTypeStr', 'Inherit via back-propagation');
    % connect the constant block to the corresponding inport
    add_line(mdl, ['Constant' num2str(i) '/1'], [num2str(i) '/1']);

% save the model
766 chars
24 lines

gistlibby LogSnag