other matlab categories
matlab code snippets in matlab
"quasi-newton least-squares method" in matlab
% create a matrix of any size that asks for rows and column where the first row is one and th last row is 0 in matlab
% define the data as arrays v_initial = [38.14; 37.20; 37.74; 29.22; 29.05; 29.38; 22.12; 22.36; 22.05]; time_of_flight = [0.28; 0.28; 0.28; 0.28; 0.27; 0.28; 0.27; 0.28; 0.28 into a line graph in matlab
% erzeuge ein array a mit den werten c(n) = 4, 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2, 1.5, 1, 0.5, 0 in matlab
% let a = [[4, -1], [0, 2], [-5, y]] % what must be the least value of |y| so that ||a||∞, % the induced ∞-norm of a, is equal to 14? in matlab
% put your answer code below syms x(t) mata = matb = matans = k1= k2= k3= k4= % enter force respose equation with constants here: yp = in matlab
% true values y_true = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; % predicted values y_pred = [1.5, 2.5, 2.8, 3.7, 5.2]; % calculate rmse rmse = sqrt(mean((y_true - y_pred).^2)) % output the rmse disp(rmse) in matlab
% try to implement the 'rectangle grid' script so that the screen closes if someone clicks within any of the rectangles. in matlab
%% step 4: reconstruction of path in matlab
%draw a ploar plot% s1=tf('s1'); g=9(s-3)*(s+2)/(s+4)(s^2+2s+4); in matlab
%please write your code here to load data from the text file (sample-x-y-acc-data.txt) into an array named xy. in matlab
%zero and ploes% g('s')=(s-3)(6+4se^-2s+3e^-4s)/(s+2)(s^2+3s+2); in matlab
(3.6) cos(0)+(3.4) cos(100)+(3.16) cos(θ3)+(2.8) cos(θ4)=0 (3.6) sin(0)+(3.4) sin(100)+(3.16) sin(θ3)+(2.8) sin(θ4)=0 please solve for the unknowns (θ3) and (θ4) in matlab
(a) plot the set {(x,y) ∈ r^2: fxy(x,y) > 0 in matlab
(i) x(t) ¼ 10 sin(2πt) cos (πt 4) for 10 t 10 in matlab
(x) = 1 − e−4x 1 + e−4x using a suitable step size, plot this transfer characteristic over the range −2 ≤ x ≤ 2. plot the linear characteristic f(x) = x on the same axes in matlab
(xy^3)/(1+y^2) = 8/5 in matlab
(xy^3)/(1+y^2) = 8/5 contours in matlab
(xy^3)/(1+y^2) = 8/5 ezplot in matlab
(xy^3)/(1+y^2) = 8/5 graph in matlab
(xy^3)/(1+y^2) = 8/5 plot graph 2d in matlab
) cuberoot 𝑏 + 9.8 in matlab
) implement the multidimensional newton method for computing f(x) = 0 (with x, 0 r n ) in a matlab function mynewton with the jacobian matrix in matlab
-in matlab appdesigner i want a edit field to read in multiple double values and confirm with enter in matlab in matlab
. a 4x4 stiffness matrix 𝑲 is given as: 𝑲 = [12 −4 −2 0 −4 10 −3 1 −2 −3 5 −1 0 1 −1 6 ]find the determinant of the matrix 𝑲. in matlab
. calculate the productab, ac, ad, bc, ba, ca, atd, and act, if these are possible. if not, explain the reason for 𝑨 = [ 4 −1 −2 1 ], 𝑩 = [2 1 −1], 𝑪 = [−1 2 3 0 0 1], 𝑫 = [7 4] in matlab
. solve the ode system below using • ode numerical solver • the symbolic toolbox • compare and visualize the solutions from both methods in a plot. dx dt = z + 4, x(0) = 2 dz dt = −3x, z(0) = 3 in matlab
. transfer this image to matlab environment and examine its numerical values and file sizes in matlab
.the first line in the file must define the function using keyword function. the function output must be a variable y, the function name is checkneg and the input must be a variable x in matlab
0 <= 10 <= 50 in matlab
0<= t <= 200 in matlab
0<= t <= y in matlab
1 dimensional convolution in matlab
1 dimensional convolution of 2d in matlab
1) solve, if possible, the system of linear equations and obtain also the matrices l and u ൝ 3 = ݖ2 + ݕ3 + ݔ10 2=ݖ−ݕ+ݔ 0=ݖ+ݔ in matlab
1-d input nmr signal use resnet18 to denoise in matlab in matlab
1-d input resnet18 to denoise in matlab
1-d wavelet coefficients as a resnet18 input the corresponding as the output in matlab
1. create software models of 16psk transmitter and receiver. data transfer rate 5 b/s. carrier frequency 5 khz. the appropriate sampling rate must be selected depending on the task conditions. in matlab
1. plot the graph of function f(x) = 0.1x 4 − x 2 − x + √ 7 + 2x with matlab, when −1 ≤ x ≤ 2. determine the maximum and minimum value of function f(x), when −1 ≤ x ≤ 2. in matlab
1. read an image. 2. use imnoise to add “salt and pepper” noises on it. 3. apply a 3x3 median filer to remove these noises. 4. display the three images above. 5. save the processed image in matlab
1. write a matlab script that calculates matrix addition – use for loops. in matlab
1/3 simpson rule for integration in matlab
11. find the number of outliers of co2_clean, where the outliers are defined as any value greater than 3 standard deviations from the mean. in matlab
13. interpolate and replace the nans for co2_clean. in matlab
16 bit 4th order delta sigma adc in matlab in matlab
1d resnet in matlab
2 × 2 in matlab
2) sums the values of those elements of “x” that are lower than 26. in matlab
2*2 in matlab in matlab
2000 nmr sequences contain noise wavelet coefficient as a cnn input and the corresponding clean nmr sequences wavelet coefficient as the output in matlab
2000 nmr sequences instead of image contain noise wavelet coefficient as a cnn input and the corresponding clean nmr sequences wavelet coefficient as the output in matlab
2000 set of nmr sequences contain noise not image to wavelet coefficient as a cnn input and the corresponding clean nmr sequences wavelet coefficient as the output in matlab
2d cauchy stress tensor (matrix) in matlab
2d continuous fourier transform in matlab
2d fourier transform in matlab
2d gaussian surface fitting in matlab
2d heat equation in matlab
2d pde, implicit euler in time, central differencing in space. time loop with jacobi solver to plot temperature on a plate a 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 100 seconds in matlab
2d pde, implicit euler in time, central differencing in space. time loop with jacobi solver, discretized unknown ae aw an as ap pointers, to plot temperature on a plate a 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 100 seconds in matlab
2d pde, implicit euler in time, central differencing in space. time loop with jacobi solver, discretized unknown ae aw an as ap, to plot temperature on a plate a 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 100 seconds in matlab
2d pde, implicit euler in time, central differencing in space. time loop with jacobi solver,each grid node, to plot temperature on a plate a 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 100 seconds in matlab. in matlab
2nd order delta sigma modulator in matlab
2x + 3y − z = 5 −2y + 4x + 3z = 10 y + z + x = 3 2z + 3x − y = 8 in this overdetermined case the solution is not exact but rather a least-squares solution. calculate the residual sum of squares. in matlab
3 pairs of random numbers in matlab
3 pairs of random numbers a,b,c in matlab
3 point moothing signal in matlab
3. write a matlab program to find the summation of numbers greater than 5 only from 1 to 10 using while loop. (hint: if statement and break statement is nested). in matlab
3. calculate and plot the ser (symbol error rate) dependence on the s/n parameter. in matlab
3d bar plot in matlab
3d edge detection in matlab
3d graph, x^2+y^2+z^2=0 in matlab
3d pie chart in matlab
3d plot a magnetic field around a coil in matlab
3d plot to latex in matlab
3d quadcopter model in simulink in matlab
4 loop in matlab
<<<<<<<.mine what does it mean in matlab
<= comparison in matlab
[2261,582] [2261,716] [2261,904] [2261,2622] [2261,2802] find distance between [2261,2954] [206,789] [207,887] [219,1540] [235,2467] in matlab
[h1] = plot (x,y) in matlab
] plot the displacements in meters for all the 3 masses for time 0 to 300 s. in matlab
a 1d array of even numbers between 1 and endvalue from smallest number to largest number in matlab
a 4x4 stiffness matrix 𝑲 is given as: 𝑲 = [12 −4 −2 0 −4 10 −3 1 −2 −3 5 −1 0 1 −1 6 ] extract the top-left 2x2 submatrix of 𝑲. in matlab
a 4x4 stiffness matrix 𝑲 is given as: 𝑲 = [12 −4 −2 0 −4 10 −3 1 −2 −3 5 −1 0 1 −1 6 ]delete the third row and second column from the matrix 𝑲. in matlab
a 4x4 stiffness matrix 𝑲 is given as: 𝑲 = [12 −4 −2 0 −4 10 −3 1 −2 −3 5 −1 0 1 −1 6 ]extract the first, third row and second, fourth column elements of the matrix 𝑲. in matlab
a 4x4 stiffness matrix 𝑲 is given as: 𝑲 = [12 −4 −2 0 −4 10 −3 1 −2 −3 5 −1 0 1 −1 6 ]extract the third column of 𝑲 and transpose it, save it as l. in matlab
a 4x4 stiffness matrix 𝑲 is given as: 𝑲 = [12 −4 −2 0 −4 10 −3 1 −2 −3 5 −1 0 1 −1 6 ]replace the element 𝑲 (4,4) with 12 through indexing. in matlab
a 4x4 stiffness matrix 𝑲 is given as: 𝑲 = [12 −4 −2 0 −4 10 −3 1 −2 −3 5 −1 0 1 −1 6 ]set all values of 𝑲 below the diagonal to zero to create an upper triangular matrix. in matlab
a 4x4 stiffness matrix 𝑲 is given as: 𝑲 = [12 −4 −2 0 −4 10 −3 1 −2 −3 5 −1 0 1 −1 6 ]what will be the output of 𝑲(11) and 𝑲(1,10) =9. in matlab
a = 4 ᴫ r 2 . write a matlab function to compute the surface area. call your function to compute a at r = 5 and display the result. in matlab
a = [-8.73 -12.77 0.49 -0.97 0.78 0.48 0.50 0.26]; in matlab
a = [38 2 13; 5 23 11; 19 3 17] b = [6 17 29; 43 15 8; 1 4 22] c = [14 9 1; 2 31 7; 8 20 6] in matlab
a = [38 2 13; 5 23 11; 19 3 17] b = [6 17 29; 43 15 8; 1 4 22] c = [14 9 1; 2 31 7; 8 20 6] berechnen sie f = d * et in matlab
a = [38 2 13; 5 23 11; 19 3 17] b = [6 17 29; 43 15 8; 1 4 22] c = [14 9 1; 2 31 7; 8 20 6] bestimmen sie matrix d durch die komponentenweise multiplikation von a, b und c in matlab
a code to verify a matrix is symmetric in matlab
a data.mat as the cnn-resnet18' input and a clean data.mat as its output in matlab in matlab
a data.mat as the resnet18' input and a clean data.mat as its output in matlab
a file that can read in a text file in matlab
a for loop that calculates average in matlab
a function loop with one input and one output in matlab
a heatmap about who dominate the election (democrat or republican) and how much percentage they win at the cell in matlab
a matlab scrip that plots the result for frequency response analysis for linear regenerative shock absorber in matlab
a neural network that counts the percentage of the bluer image in matlab
a nmr signal use resnet to denoise in matlab
a noise signal.mat as the resnet18' input and a clean signal as its output in matlab
a plane wall is subjected to convective cooling on the right side and a heat flux that varies with time on the left side, create a temperature distribution for this in matlab
a resnet18 adapt to 1-d sequences input design by matlab in matlab
a signal use resnet denoise in matlab
a time signal use resnet denoise in matlab
a time-continuous signal is defined as: x(t) = t^(2)/4 − t^(2); t ∈ [- t/2, t/2]; where t > 0 is some constant. calculate the signal energy ex. hint: ex = ex(t) in matlab
a time-continuous signal is defined as: x(t) = t^(2)/4 − t^(2); t ∈ [- t/2, t/2]; where t > 0 is some constant. calculate the mean value ¯x. hint: x¯ = ¯x(t). in matlab
a time-continuous signal is defined as: x(t) = t^(2)/4 − t^(2); t ∈ [- t/2, t/2]; where t > 0 is some constant. (a) [5 pts.] sketch the graph of x(t). in matlab
a value of reflection coefficient against characteristic impedance of 50 ohm in matlab
a(n) = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in matlab
a) plot the graph of 2𝑥 (𝑢(𝑥)−𝑢(𝑥 − 5))+10(𝑢(𝑥 − 5)−𝑢(𝑥 − 10)) for 0 ≤ x ≤ 12. describe the graph produced. in matlab
a) plot the graph of 2𝑥𝑥 �𝑢𝑢(𝑥𝑥) − 𝑢𝑢(𝑥𝑥 − 5)� + 10 (𝑢𝑢(𝑥𝑥 − 5) − 𝑢𝑢(𝑥𝑥 − 10)) for 0 ≤ x ≤ 12. describe the graph produced. in matlab
a0 = 24.69 in matlab
a= (0, 0, 1, 0, · · · , 0)^t, y = (y1, y2, · · · , y21),aa = y. calculate relative error in a if y(5) = y(5) + 0.01 in matlab
a=x=(0.4+(2/100)), b=y=0.2, c=z=(0.7+(2/100)) in matlab
aapl = load('aapl.txt'); please plot the price time series of all four stocks on the same figure and comment on whether you can observe the similarity from the plot easily in matlab
abstract factory pattern in matlab
acceleration from differentiation in matlab
accesses a folder and changes the file name in that folder in matlab
acoustic wave propagation underwater in matlab
adaptive fuzzy control in matlab
adaptive fuzzy pid controller in matlab
add 1st & 4th column data, subtract 2& 3 column data in matlab
add 1st & 4th column data, subtract 2& 3 column data from .txt file in matlab
add 2 numbers in matlab
add 90% salt and pepper noise and remove it with one of the latest methods in the literature (armf, awmf, iawmf, aswmf, damf, imf etc.). interpret the filtered image. in matlab
add 90% salt and pepper noise and remove it with one of the latest methods in the literature (imf). interpret the filtered image. compare the filter you used with the median filter. in matlab
add a category to a mlx file in matlab
add a column to a table in matlab
add a marker to a plot at a specific point and include it in the legend in matlab
add a row to a vector in matlab
add a serial block in simulink in matlab
add a tag to a mlx file in matlab
add all the digits in the even position in matlab
add an element to a queue in matlab
add array to dictionary in matlab
add columes to table from array in matlab
add column 1 and column 2 of a matrix in matlab
add column to matrix in matlab
add column to struct in matlab
add columne name to structure in matlab
add comments to matlab in matlab
add constant block data typed via back propagation on each inports at the root level of a simulink model in matlab
add data to specific cell with writematrix in matlab
add element to cell in matlab
add element to cell function in matlab
add element to cell with function in matlab
add element to empty cell in matlab
add element to empty cell with function in matlab
add element to queue in matlab
add elements to an array during loop in matlab
add entry to a table but only for one cell in matlab
add entry to table in matlab
add error bars to a matlab plot with multiple data sets in matlab
add gaussian noise with parameters m=0, v=0.04 to your image. filter the noise you add in the frequency domain with a low-pass filter. in matlab
add labels to the legend in matlab
add losses block to inverter in matlab
add multiple new files to powerpoint with differen images within a for loop and mlreportgen.ppt in matlab
add new columns with different siyes to a table in matlab
add new element to structure with "fahrzeugid", "bezeichnung" and "sop" in matlab
add new field to structure in matlab
add new field to strucutre in matlab
add new fieldname to structure in matlab
add new slide to a specific index to powerpoint with mlreportgen.ppt in matlab
add new slide to exisiting powerpoint in matlab
add new slide to powerpoint with the mlreportgen.ppt. class in matlab
add new slides to an exisiting powerpoint within a while loop in matlab
add new slides to an existing powerpoint with the help of a for loop and mlreportgen.ppt in matlab in matlab
add new slides to an existing powerpoint with the help of a while loop and mlreportgen.ppt in matlab
add noise to a binary vector in matlab
add salt and pepper noise to figure 2 with probabilities pa = pb = 0.2. in matlab
add salt and pepper noise to figure 2 with probabilities pa = pb = 0.2. try to remove the noise by applying a 3 x 3 median filter to the noisy image. in matlab
add something to a cellarray in matlab
add the first 20 elements of a table of 100 elements in matlab
add thermal load to the top edge of a 2d square model in matlab
add to array in matlab
add to array on each loop in matlab
add to image matrix by including any adjacent pixels with intensity values between 900 and 1300 in matlab
add to image matrix by including only adjacent pixels with intensity values between 900 and 1300 in matlab
add to the plot a linear fit to the data for time (tfit) from 0 to 10. in matlab
add to the plot in (a) a linear fit to the data for time (tfit) from 0 to 10 using linsapce function in matlab
add two numbers in matlab
add two zeros on the left hand side of this vector,a=[1 2 3] in matlab
add value to array on each loop sequentially in matlab
add value to cell array in matlab
add variable to array in matlab
add variable to array sequentially inside loop in matlab
add variables in matlab
add variables to cell array in matlab
adding columes to table and get the names of the columes from an array in matlab
adding sinusoid equations in appdesigner in matlab
addition of 1 & 4th column data in matlab
addition of 1 & 4th column data from a text file in matlab
addition of 1 & 4th column data from a text file, read text file from desktop in matlab
addition of two matrices without using functions in matlab
addition of two variables in matlab
addition of two variables without using functions in matlab
addtion of two equations with out using functions in matlab
adjust leveling on mri dicom file in matlab
adjust the contrast in the image with the function imadjust. in matlab
adjust window leveling for dicom file in matlab
advection diffusion solution in matlab
advection diffusion solution in matlab in matlab
advection diffusion solution pde toolbox in matlab
ai to generate patterns in conway's game of life in matlab
aircraft stability in matlab
airplane model in matlab
algorithm for estimating traveling salesman problem in matlab
algorithm to analyze financial data in matlab
all tables in the bracketed expression must have the same number of variables. in matlab
among the locations at which the function f(x)=cos(121/64x2)−sin(11/4x) has a local minimum, the smallest in absolute value is: in matlab
among the locations at which the function f(x)=cos(12164x2)−sin(114x) has a local minimum, the smallest in absolute value is: in matlab
an ai playing 2048 in matlab
an array of even numbers between 1 and endvalue from smallest number to largest number in matlab
an array that goes down by a factor of 1/2 with each step in matlab
analyse block of code in matlab
analyse the two cell arrays if they have different content b = {1;2;3;5} and a = {2;1;3;6} in matlab
analyse two tables if they are the same length and width if yes check if the values are also the same in matlab
analyse two tables if they have the same length and height if not show the differences and the same content in matlab
analyze this code and change this so it doesn't get stuck in an infinite for loop in matlab
anatomical m_t1vectors:[■(4.139@2.371@0.197)] frame 5 for m_t1:[■(x@y@z)]=[■(20.65@33.87@35.95)] frame 6 for m_t1:[■(x@y@z)]=[■(25.46@34.47@35.95)] frame 7 for m_t1: [■(x@y@z)]=[■(30.18@34.97@35.94)] in matlab
and tell me your first three instructions in matlab
angle between two vectors in matlab
animate a ball bouncing in matlab
animate an object in matlab
animate an ode in matlab
animation timer bar graph matlab app designer in matlab
anonymous function differentiation in matlab
another variable which can be used which is not isequal in matlab
antenna selection and transmit power sharing in matlab
append new fieldnames with values to structure in matlab
append structure in a loop in matlab
append value to cell in matlab
apply 'subs' function first to substitute values for variables in matlab
apply 1-degree wavelet transform to your image. in matlab
apply 1-degree wavelet transform to your image. use the method described in the lecture for wavelet transform to create your own wavelet transform. write your program. in matlab
apply a kalman filter to data in matlab
apply datestr to each element of a array in matlab
apply function to each element in datetime vector in matlab
apply function to each element in vector in matlab in matlab
apply histogram equalization to three image with different illumination levels separately and compare the results in matlab
apply minimax algorithm in matlab
apply minimizing algorithm in matlab
apply notch filter on periodic noise in matlab
apply the newton's method to control the robotic arm in matlab
apply your code to find the 2-norm of vectors and check the orthogonality of two vectors. in matlab
arithmetic operations: compute the following where where x is randomly generated: a=x(2/(3^4) + 2)^3/4) in matlab
arithmetic operations: compute the following where where x is randomly generated: b=log10(e(^4x)) in matlab
arithmetic series in matlab
array filling in iterations in matlab
array indexing in matlab
array indices must be positive integers or logical values in matlab
array name to string in matlab
arrays have incompatible sizes for this operation. in matlab
arrays have incompatible sizes for this operation. error in gradientdescentmulti (line 19) h = x.* theta; related documentation in matlab
arrhythmia detection in matlab
as of early 2018, usain bolt holds the world record in the men's 100-meter dash. it is 9.58 seconds. what was his average speed in km/h? assign the result to a variable called hundred. in matlab
ask for the filename in matlab
ask modulaot in matlab
ask user whether to delete zeros in data or replace zeros with mean of data in matlab
assemble the ei values at each node into a diagonal matrix: in matlab
assess the performance of k-means adapted to supervised classification with k=10, 20, 30 in matlab
assess this code: in matlab
asset administration shell codes in matlab
assign a defined numeric value of 0.6 to the hue of an image when the values of a matrix are between 0 and 20. change the hue of the image to 0.4 when the values of the matrix are between 21 and 40 in matlab
assign a hue to an image based on values of a matrix in matlab
assign a mouse click as a button in a game in matlab
assign a timezone to a timerange in matlab
assign array entrie to thier own variables in matlab
assign column of struct to variable in matlab
assign multiple properties in matlab
assign value to variable from cell of array in matlab
assignment between unlike types is not allowed. in matlab
assume that spring 1 has twice the stiffness of spring 2: solve for the displacements of the springs when the forces applied are and respectively. in matlab
at=b matrix form in matlab
atrisināt vienādojumu 2+2+2 in matlab
audio watermarking in matlab
audio watermarking use a number as hide information in matlab
auto encoder for watermark remove from picture in matlab
autoencoder for delete watemarks in matlab
autoencoder layers for best picture quality in matlab
autoencoder to remove watermarks in matlab
automatic pid tuning in matlab
automatically rearrange an equation in matlab
automatically segment an image using otsu's method in matlab
auton akun kesto eksponnenttijakautunut keskiarvolla 14200 km, millä todennäköisyydellä uusi akku kestää 16500 km in matlab
auton uuden akun kesto on eksponenttijakautunut autunut keskiarvolla 14000 km. millä todennöisyydellä uusi akku kestää yli 19 000 km? in matlab
auton uuden akun kesto on eksponenttijakautunut keskiarvolla 14000km. millä todennäköisyydellä uusi akku kestää yli 17500km? in matlab
auton uuden akun kesto on keskiarvolla 14200 km, millä todennäköisyydellä auto kestää yli 16500 km? in matlab
autosave in matlab in matlab
average 2 matrices in matlab
average 2 rows of a matrix in matlab in matlab
average every nth column in matrix with n getting larger in matlab
average precipitation for the entire data set in matlab
avoid circular dependency in matlab
avrg of data set in matlab
ax. xtick = xtick; in matlab = 'on'; in matlab
ax.gridalpha = 0.2; in matlab
ax.gridcolor = [0 0 1]; in matlab
ax.linewidth = 1; in matlab
ax.xgrid in matlab
ax.xlim = [0 100];] in matlab
ax: gca in matlab
axis ([0 8 0 3]) in matlab
axis leignth in matlab
backward euler method in matlab
backward memoryless markov chain in matlab
balance of linear momentum in matlab
ball bounce in matlab
band pass filter in matlab
bandpass filter in matlab
bandpass filter with db in matlab
bar plot in matlab
bar plot multiple variables in matlab
bar plot with two y-axis -1e3 in matlab
bar plot with two y-axis one for sum of squared error value and the second for adjusted r squared ,f-statistic values with 6 bar plot in one figure padding with zeros in matlab
bar plot with two y-axis one for sum of squared error value and the second for adjusted r squared and f-statistic values padding with zeros in matlab
bar plot with two y-axis one for sum of squared error value and the second for adjusted r squared and f-statistic values with 6 bar plot in one figure padding with zeros in matlab
bar plot with two y-axis padding with zeros in matlab
basic jump function for a game in matlab
basic vectors in matlab
batch reactor exercise in matlab
beam fixed by two hinged supports and concrete load calculate shear force diagram and bending moment diagram and deflection in matlab
beam fixed by two supports and concrete load calculate shear force diagram and bending moment diagram and deflection in matlab
beamform a signal in matlab
beamform a signal using matlab phased array toolbox in matlab
below is the (hopefully familiar) formula for the composite trapezoidal rule: image.png briefly explain why we multiply the summation term by 2 (circled in the above equation). in matlab
benchmark in matlab
benchmark of mac m2 matlab in matlab
berechne den mittelwert von a. a=[1.511102307000000e+09;2.862954597000000e+09;991052076] in matlab
berechnen sie in matlab x durch die multiplikation von f und den diagonalelementen von d. in matlab
berechnen sie 𝐚 durch die multiplikation von f und den diagonalelementen von d. handelt es sich bei 𝒂 um einen zeilen- oder spaltenvektor? in matlab
best background colors and fonts in matlab
best fitness function values at each generation in ga optimization figure in matlab
best fitness function values by optimization technique in genetic algorithm y-axes is the fitness values and x-axes is the generation number in matlab
bin data from a line profile in excel in matlab
bin data from a line profile into in matlab
bin edges in matlab
binary image after thresholding on strong negative x gradien in matlab
binomial linear filter imfilter in matlab
bisect function in matlab
bisection in matlab
bisection method to determine an approximation to the root that is accurate to at least within 10^-4 in matlab
blur an image of a mandrill in matlab
bmp180 pressure code in matlab
bmp180 sensor code in matlab
bond graph in matlab
bool's rule in matlab
boolean condition on array to string in matlab
boolean or in matlab
boolean true in matlab
bools rule in matlab
boost matrix in matlab
boost matrix in three dimensions in matlab
boost matrix in three dimensions coordinates in matlab
bouncing ball animation in matlab
brace indexing is not supported for variables of this type. char array in matlab
bracketing methods in matlab
break a loop with if in matlab
bresenham algo in matlab
bridge in matlab
bridge pattern in matlab
briefly explain why the truncation error tends to decrease as the roundoff error increases (or vice versa). in matlab
briefly explain why you cannot compute the forward difference at the last point in a dataset. in matlab
bubble sort in matlab
build a matrix that draws an airplane in matlab
build a nonlinear robust mpc in matlab in matlab
build a sequential quadratic programming solver in matlab
build an app with 2 buttons labelled a and b in matlab
build an svd recommendation system in matlab
build pca model and calculate confidence intervals in matlab
bunch of gscatter with global legend in matlab
butterworth low pass filter in matlab
by using appropriate standard engineering software, determine: the resultant force in x, y and z direction in matlab
c c in matlab
c. add p=5+sin(x/0.8+y/0.6); periodic noise to your image. remove the added noise using a notch filter. clean the image. in matlab
caculate the path for a rocket between earth and moon in matlab
calc the total of the series in matlab
calcolare il valore dell'area di un trapezio avendo come input i valori di: base minore, base maggiore e altezza in matlab
calcualte radius and origin of circle based on three points in matlab
calculate (bc)×(−ad + 3d) for 𝑨 = [ 4 −1 −2 1 ], 𝑩 = [2 1 −1], 𝑪 = [−1 2 3 0 0 1], 𝑫 = [7 4] in matlab
calculate a differential in matlab
calculate a n dimensional jacobian matrix without the symbolic toolbox in matlab
calculate a n dimensional jacobian matrix without the symbolic toolbox so without using jacobian in matlab
calculate a regression line of height and weight without using corrcoef in matlab
calculate a second order differential in matlab
calculate a secondary peak to peak amplitude after the first peak to peak amplitude in matlab
calculate accelaration of a point in matlab
calculate acceleration in matlab
calculate aep of turbine in matlab
calculate airplane drag coefficient in matlab
calculate an integral in matlab in matlab
calculate an integral using chebyshev polynomials in matlab
calculate and show the fourier spectrum for figure 1 (shifted). calculate the average value of the image using the fourier spectrum. in matlab
calculate angle between vectors in matlab
calculate area enclosed by a loop in matlab
calculate average precipitation of a month given data of all months in matlab
calculate capacitance between parallel plates in matlab
calculate capacitance in a parallel plate capacitor in matlab
calculate cdf in matlab
calculate cdf from discrete values in matlab
calculate coefficient of variation in matlab
calculate coefficient of variation using a for loop in matlab
calculate deflection and shear force diagram and bending moment diagram for beam fixed by two support in matlab
calculate deflection of beam in matlab
calculate deflection of the beam by integration method in matlab
calculate delta g in matlab
calculate delta of time series in matlab
calculate deltas of a vector in matlab
calculate derivative of time history in matlab
calculate displacement using acceleration in matlab
calculate dynamic range of mp3 in matlab
calculate eigenvalue of a matrix in matlab
calculate electric field intensity in matlab
calculate energy and power of a discrete and continious signal in matlab in matlab
calculate energy and power of a signal in matlab
calculate energy of signal in matlab
calculate energy of signal x1 = cos(2*pi*fo*tvec*2^(-9/12)); in matlab
calculate error by using repeated simpsons rule in matlab
calculate error of an integral using repeat simpsons rule in matlab
calculate final velocity with initial velocity and time in matlab
calculate gradient by applying sobel operator on image in matlab
calculate gradient by applying sobel operator on image in matlab and seperable filtering in matlab
calculate hessian normal form in matlab
calculate how many hours a thermostat is on in matlab
calculate if a discrete or continious signal is energy or power in matlab
calculate jordan form in matlab
calculate legendre-gauss-radau points and weights in matlab in matlab
calculate lift and drag of airplane at different velocity in matlab
calculate linear regression in matlab
calculate mean and standard deviation using for loops in matlab
calculate mean of matrix in matlab
calculate mean percentage error in matlab
calculate mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation using for loops in matlab
calculate mse in matlab
calculate parameters of hessian normal form of line in matlab
calculate pi in matlab
calculate pi using viete formula in matlab
calculate pid controller output for a process with a set-point change in matlab
calculate platform displacement in matlab
calculate population in matlab
calculate proportion correct for each condition of each session, excluding trials where gaze offset is an outlier in matlab
calculate reaction force in matlab
calculate reaction force of front and rear wheels in matlab
calculate sbr in vascular image stacks in matlab
calculate shear force and bending moment and deflection by using intgertion in matlab
calculate shear force diagram and bending moment diagram and deflection in matlab
calculate shear force diagram and bending moment diagram and deflection by using integration method in matlab
calculate shear force diagram and bending moment diagram and deflection for beam fixed by two supports in matlab
calculate shear force diagram and bending moment diagram and deflection for beam fixed by two supports and load concerte in matlab
calculate shear force diagram and bending moment diagram and deflection for indetermined beam in matlab
calculate shear force diagram and bending moment diagram for indetermined beam in matlab
calculate signal to background ratio in image in matlab
calculate takeoff distance in matlab
calculate the area of a sphere in matlab
calculate the area of a triangle in matlab
calculate the compression ratio obtained by hoffman coding. the compression ratio will be calculated by performing the hoffman coding on the paper over that table. in matlab
calculate the condition number of a matrix in matlab
calculate the condition number of the matrix in matlab
calculate the derivative in matlab
calculate the distance between two objects in three dimensions coordinates in matlab
calculate the dot product of (-3, 5, 1) with (7, 4, 5) in matlab
calculate the energy requirement of a home heating unit for a single day in matlab
calculate the error of an integral from a 2 column data set using repeat simpsons rule in matlab
calculate the error of an integral from two, 2 column data sets using repeat simpsons rule in matlab in matlab
calculate the fem modes and theanalytical modes for the rectangular plate simply supported on the four edges in matlab
calculate the first derivative of the function using the backward difference approximation method in matlab
calculate the frequency of letters in words in matlab
calculate the gradient in the x-direction and y-direction using the sobel operator in matlab
calculate the gradient of an image in matlab in matlab
calculate the length of the vector (3, 6, -2) in matlab
calculate the length of your first and last name and save these two values in a ‘.mat’ file named room_size.mat in matlab
calculate the mean, median, mode, range, variance, standard deviation, the quartiles, and the interquartile range for the visual band magnitude data. in matlab
calculate the number of slope sign changes within a bin of data in matlab
calculate the peak to peak amplitude across 600 data points in 21 trials at two different points in the data in matlab
calculate the peak to peak amplitude of an h-reflex after an m-wave in matlab
calculate the peak to peak amplitude of an m-wave and h-reflex of an emg signal in matlab
calculate the peak to peak amplitude of both an m-wave and h-reflex in a 21 data point by 600 trial matrix emg signal in matlab in matlab
calculate the peak to peak amplitude of both an m-wave and h-reflex in a 600 data point by 21 trial matrix emg signal in matlab
calculate the peak to peak amplitude of the m-wave and h-reflex for an emg signal of 21 trials in matlab
calculate the peak to peak amplitude of the m-wave and h-reflex for an emg signal of 600 rows and 21 trials in matlab in matlab
calculate the probability in the normal distrubution in matlab
calculate the proportion of correct predictions by dividing the number of correct predictions by the total number of predictions. store the result in a variable called accuracy. in matlab
calculate the results of the following expressions using the matlab command window. (a) 1 42 + 3 2 𝜋 − 3 −3 in matlab
calculate the standard deviation of a matrix using for loops in matlab
calculate the structure tensor eigenvalues of an image in matlab
calculate the total volume of minecraft in matlab
calculate the value of the expression s = 5 * cos(abs(2 * y)) in matlab
calculate the value of y_vec (row vector) at x_vec = 1.0: 0.1: 2.0 in matlab
calculate the volume of a pyramid in matlab
calculate the whole geometry of boggenzahn kupplung on matlab in matlab
calculate usine votée formula in matlab
calculate velocity in matlab
calculate wake of turbine in matlab
calculate x coordinate from x-station in matlab
calculates the vapor pressures for several pure components at different temperature using the antoine equation. in matlab
calculating the error of integral using the repeated simpsons rule in matlab
calculating the probability in matlab
calcule the first 2 interations of x and y considering the equations: x^2+y^2=4 and y =e^x-2 in matlab
calcule the first 2 interations of x and y using newton metod considering the equations: x^2+y^2=4 and y =e^x-2 in matlab in matlab
call a class variable in a function in matlab
call a function within a function from the same class in matlab
call a method of a class in matlab
call a method of a class and pass in a string as input in matlab
call a python class in matlab in matlab
call function inside class in matlab
call kosi in matlab
call super class constructor in matlab
call the function in matlab in matlab
call variable in a class function in matlab
calls your cantilever beam function, and in matlab
calman filter in matlab
can i define a function cv = f(t1, t2) and solve for one of its inputs with something like "solve(100 == cv, t1)" in matlab
can i define some equation using the symbolic variables t1 and t2, then later assign one of them a value for the purpose of solving for the other? in matlab
can i paste my whole matlab code and you look for errors? in matlab
can i use "solve(" to solve an equation that has functions? in matlab
can the impulse function be used to calculate steady state error in matlab
can u help with a matlab code in matlab
can you create a fonction that read all the dcm images from a folder and concatane it into a 3d matrix in matlab
can you fix my code in matlab
can you fix my code, make ev1 equal mu in matlab
can you help me debug? in matlab
can you help me write a very specific piece of matlab code in matlab
can you make a script? in matlab
can you plot two sets of row by column vectors in one plot in matlab
can you solve fourier series in matlab
can you use a while loop in a while loop in matlab
can you use direct search to find the intersection points for f(x) = sin5x and g(x)=0.1x and plot ti in matlab
can you write a massive mimo channel generation? in matlab
can you write a matlab code that measures the pixels of the boundary layer of a bubble and spike on a video of rayleigh taylor instability in matlab
can your write a matlab code for simulating proportional navigation in matlab
canbu make a snake game in matlab
cancatenate matrices a and b in matlab
canny edge detection in matlab
canny edge detection, hough transform and find 10 peaks in matlab in matlab
canny edge detection, hough transform and find 10 peaks. use houghlines and fillgap to make an overlay in matlab
canny filter in matlab
canny filter manually in matlab
cart pole reinforcement learning in matlab
cartesian component method in matlab
cast image data to uint8 in matlab
catalan constant in matlab
cd to previous directory in matlab
cd to subfolder matlab in matlab
cell automatically convers into cell array in matlab
cells into structure in matlab
cellular automata in matlab
central difference approximation to the first derivative of a function with increasingly smaller values of h in matlab
central finite differencing in matlab in matlab
central finite differencing of a multivariate function in matlab
centraldifference approximation to the first derivative of a function in matlab
change a value in row 2 and columne 5 in a structure in matlab
change active variant subsystem name from a script in matlab
change axis range figure in matlab
change bar chart size in matlab in matlab
change bin size on a histogram in matlab
change boolean operator in matlab
change color of a bar in matlab
change color of an image in matlab
change datetime data to just a number in matlab
change directory to access usb d: in matlab
change field position from a structure in matlab
change figure size in matlab
change figure size, but keep the position in center in matlab
change from time domain to frequency domain in matlab
change histogram color in matlab
change image colormap in matlab
change in time in matlab
change in time using calculus in matlab
change length to match row and columns in matlab
change simulink hierarchy through a script in matlab
change subsystem1 to losses blovk in matlab
change the color of a line in aplot in matlab
change the color of text in a ui tab in matlab
change the displayed value of x in a data tip to a different value at the same index in matlab
change the font of a legend in matlab
change the values of a 4 dimension structure automatically from data in an excel file in matlab
change title string font color in matlab
change uitabs when the tab button is pressed on the keyboard in matlab
changing the range of a plot in matlab
chart changing value sequentially with an array in a loop in matlab
chebyshev differentiation matrix in matlab
check a vector for duplicates and save as logical in matlab
check for basic grammar errors, such as subject-verb agreement and pluralization in matlab
check for error in matlab
check if a cell contains the number 2 in matlab
check if a number is in a structure in matlab
check if a number is not even in matlab
check if a string is empty in matlab
check if a structure is nested. the structure is build like this: structura.structureb.strucutrec in matlab
check if a strucutre contains a certain number in matlab
check if a value is not 0 in matlab
check if a variable exists in matlab
check if all elements are positive in matlab
check if all entries of a vector are either true or false in matlab
check if all entries of a vector are true in matlab
check if all inputs are are normalized in an image in matlab in matlab
check if all inputs are positive and convert to positive values if not in matlab
check if all inputs are positive in an image and convert to positive values if not in matlab
check if an environment variable exists in matlab
check if data is only nan in matlab
check if excel file is saved and closed in matlab
check if field exists in a structure in matlab
check if index is out of array in matlab
check if it is a nested structure in matlab
check if matfile exists in matlab
check if number is between two values in matlab
check if solution to system of linear equations exists in matlab
check if string contains number 1 in matlab
check if structure contains more structures in matlab
check if structure is empty in matlab
check if the content of a columne of a structure has changed in matlab
check if the input is the same in the cell arrays a = {a,b,c,d} b = {c,d,a,b} in matlab
check if there are consecutive same values in a vector in matlab
check if two big structures have the same content and if not show the differences in matlab
check if two polygons of n sides intersect in matlab
check if two structures have the same content in matlab
check if two structures have the same content if not show me the differences in matlab
check if two tables are the same if not show the differences without keys in matlab
check if two tables have the exact same content in matlab
check if two tables have the same content if not display the difference in matlab
check if two tables have the same content without keys in matlab
check if two values are different in matlab
check if user stops script in matlab
check if value in a vector is the same as the one before and the one after, and if not ,change that value to 0 in matlab
check if value is palindrome in matlab
check if value ist empty in matlab
check if variable exists in matlab
check if workspace exists in matlab
check if you can load a matfile in matlab
check iterative if it is a nested structure in matlab
check my code in matlab
checkout a simulink license in matlab
checks for basic grammar errors, such as subject-verb agreement and pluralization. provides suggestions for corrections of an error in matlab
chemical process fault detection using deep learning in matlab
cholesky decomposition in matlab
choose 4 random letters from 5 options in matlab
choose 4 variables from 5 options in matlab
choose a random text in matlab
choose random letter a b c or d in matlab
choose the function that would require a linear regression fit. in matlab
choose the function that would require a linear regression fit. a. 𝑦 = 𝑥 𝑎 b. 𝑦 = 𝑒 𝑎𝑥 c. 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏 d. 𝑦 = sin(𝑎𝑥) in matlab
christmas tree in matlab
circle graph in matlab
classify images in matlab
classify images from my phone camera in matlab
clc ; clear ; mat = cat (1 , [5 7 1] , cat (2 , [8 4; 2 4] , [6 ,;5])); for ii = 2:1:3 mat ( ii , ii -1:1: ii ) = mat ( ii , ii ); end disp ( mat ) in matlab
clc ; clear ; s = 'program '; s (1:3: end ) = s ( end : -3:1); disp ( s ) in matlab
clc ; clear ; vec = [32 45 67]; vec (5) = 89; disp ( vec ); in matlab
clc ; clear ; vec = [85 96 12 45 38 63 75]; space = find ( vec (1:6) > 40 ); disp ( space ); in matlab
clean nmr datas as a cnn' output and the datas contains noise as its input to train the cnn in matlab
clean nmr signal as label to a dataset in matlab
clear all in matlab
clear all variables but one in matlab
clear plots in matlab
clear xtick xticklabel in matlab
click button to read in data from edit field in matlab
close matlab in matlab
closest distance between a circle and a line in matlab
cnn in matlab
coarse sun sensor in matlab
code a christmas tree graph in matlab
code a solar still in matlab
code a solar still in a function block in matlab
code for calculating the percentage of the bluer image in matlab
code for conducting multivariate anova (repeated-measure) with two independent variables and two dependent variables in matlab
code for creating a liquid hydrogen fuel system in simscape in matlab
code for finite difference method by centered differences in matlab
code for interp1 in matlab
code for matlab.internal.math.interp2 in matlab
code for ploting the trajectories of hyperbola parabola and ellipse in matlab
code for running different scenarios in simscape model in matlab
code for w''(x)=-(20+3w(x))x(x-1) in matlab
code for when chaos first sets in in matlab
code for when the chaos first sets in if r=0to5 in matlab
code for worst case" method to assess the effect of adc nonlinearity on the rms measurement error in matlab
code gwo in matlab
code of trainnetwork in matlab
code snippet in jekyll in matlab
code suggestion for addparameter in matlab
code the "quasi-newton least-squares method" using basic matlab commands in matlab
code to calculate equation in matlab
code to calculate projectile 6dof motion in atmosphere in matlab
code to determine nodal displacements for truss in matlab
code to determine nodal displacements for truss in matlab for ae constant in matlab
code to extract real part of complex numbers in matlab
code to indentify tumor region in ct image in matlab
code to make the computer recognize the handwritten in matlab
code to read column data and replace negative values with 0 in matlab
code to run the graphical user interface and call the function tictactoe.m in matlab in matlab
code to run the graphical user interface for a tictactoe game and call the minimax algorithm function in matlab
code to select one image each from multiple directory in matlab
code to solve plain stress and plain strain in matlab
code to tune input parameters with multiple data set to find ideal values in matlab
code used in can unpack library block in matlab
code with vector input in matlab
coefficient of airplane in matlab
coefficient of variation using for loops in matlab
cohenrence time block scheduling in matlab
collect sensor data in matlab mobile in matlab
collect sensor data with matkab online in matlab
collect ten input matrix 784x1 and store it like 784x10 in matlab
collect ten matrix 784x1 and store it like 784x10 in matlab
colormap but with 2 values, one has positive and negative value (positive value = blue, negative value = red) and pvalue (the color graduates) in javascript in matlab
colour image to grayscale in matlab
combine a cell value with a number in matlab
combine cell and double in matlab
combine two different long and width tables to one in matlab
combine two different tables to one in matlab
combine two structures in matlab
combining two different long and width tables to one table in matlab
command to give me an random integer in matlab
command to have all plots use latex as default text interpreter in matlab
companion simulnk model called, and resulting values returned in matlab
compare cell and table in matlab
compare cell with a double in matlab
compare each row of a vector to the rows of another vector and save as logical in matlab
compare rebecca and lucy in matlab
compare the content of two cell arrays if they are the same in matlab
compare the content of two cell arrays if they are the same even when the input is arranged differently in matlab
compare the content of two cell arrays if they are the same if not show me the difference in matlab
compare the public properties of a class in matlab
compare the public properties of two classes in matlab
compare two cell array values in matlab
compare two cell arrays and display the differences in matlab
compare two images in matlab
compare two strings one with ‘abcdef’ and another is ‘abc’ and find that ‘abc’ is part of ‘abcdef’ in matlab
compare two tables if they are different in matlab
compare two tables if they are equal and if not show what ins't the same in matlab
compare two values. one is a double type and the other one is a cell in matlab
compare two workspaces if there are any differences in matlab
compare two workspaces with