write a test class in matlab

To write a test class in Matlab, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Matlab function file and give it a meaningful name that ends with the word Test.

  2. In this file, define a class that inherits from matlab.unittest.TestCase. This class will contain the individual test methods.

classdef MyTestSuiteTest < matlab.unittest.TestCase
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  1. Within the class, define one or more test methods. Each test method should start with the word test. You can use various assertion methods provided by the matlab.unittest.TestCase class to verify expected behavior.
    function testAddition(testCase)
        a = 2;
        b = 3;
        c = a + b;
        testCase.verifyEqual(c, 5);
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  1. Save the file and run it. You can run the test in the Matlab editor by clicking the "Run" button next to the class definition, or you can run it from the command line using the command runtests.
>> runtests('MyTestSuiteTest')
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This will run all the test methods defined in the class and report any failures or errors.

With this approach, you can easily create and manage a suite of tests for any Matlab code you write, helping to ensure that your code works as expected and avoiding regressions as you make changes over time.

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