other matlab categories
class code snippets in matlab
call a method of a class and pass in a string as input in matlab
compare the public properties of a class in matlab
convert structure to class object in matlab
create a class in matlab
create a class for a state machine with states "on" and "off" and transition functions "switchon" and "switchoff" in matlab
create a class that represents a state machine where a state named "foo" moves to a state named "bar" if input "u" becomes negative in matlab
create a class that represents a state machine with states a and b in matlab
example of object oriented program in matlab
getting type of a variable in matlab
make an example of an object oriented program in matlab
object oriented program that adds element to cell in matlab
object oriented program that can create an empty cell, add element to cell, find the first element in a cell, find the last element in a cell, removes the first element in a cell in matlab
write a test class in matlab
by LogSnag