compare the public properties of a class in matlab

To compare the public properties of a class in MATLAB, you can use the metaclass function to retrieve information about the class, and then compare the public properties using standard MATLAB functions.

Here is an example code snippet:

% Define two instances of MyClass
obj1 = MyClass();
obj2 = MyClass();

% Get the metaclass information for the class
mc = metaclass(obj1);

% Get a list of the public properties for the class
propNames = {mc.PropertyList.Name};
propIdx = strcmp({mc.PropertyList.GetAccess},'public');
publicPropNames = propNames(propIdx);

% Compare the public properties of the two objects
for i = 1:length(publicPropNames)
    propName = publicPropNames{i};
    prop1 = obj1.(propName);
    prop2 = obj2.(propName);
    if ~isequal(prop1, prop2)
        fprintf('%s properties are not equal\n', propName);
603 chars
22 lines

In this example, we define two instances of the MyClass class (which we assume has public properties), get the metaclass information for the class, and retrieve the list of public property names. We then loop through the property names and use isequal to compare the corresponding properties of the two objects. If any public properties are not equal, we print a message to the console.

Note that this code assumes that the class has only simple public properties that can be compared using isequal. More complex classes may require more customized comparison logic.

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