create a figure with three tabs, where each tab contain 2x2 subplots in matlab

You can use the uitabgroup function and the uitab function to create tabs in a MATLAB figure. Then you can create multiple subplots using the subplot function within each tab. Here's an example code snippet:

% Create a figure with a tab group
fig = figure();
tg = uitabgroup(fig);

% Create three tabs
tab1 = uitab(tg, 'Title', 'Tab 1');
tab2 = uitab(tg, 'Title', 'Tab 2');
tab3 = uitab(tg, 'Title', 'Tab 3');

% Create 2x2 subplots in each tab
for j = 1:3
    tab = eval(strcat('tab', num2str(j))); % Get the current tab
    for i = 1:4
        subplot(2,2,i,'Parent',tab); % Create a subplot in the current tab
        plot(rand(10,1)); % Plot some random data
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This will create a figure with three tabs, and each tab will contain a 2x2 grid of subplots. You can customize the subplot layout and plot whatever data you like in each subplot.

gistlibby LogSnag