create an example of function using inputparser in matlab

Here's an example of a function using inputParser in MATLAB:

        function result = myFunction(varargin)
          % Create an instance of the inputParser class
          p = inputParser;

          % Define required inputs
          addRequired(p, 'input1', @isnumeric);
          addRequired(p, 'input2', @ischar);

          % Define optional inputs
          addOptional(p, 'input3', 0, @isnumeric);

          % Parse the inputs
          parse(p, varargin{:});

          % Use the inputs to compute the result
          result = p.Results.input1 + length(p.Results.input2) + p.Results.input3;

        In this example, we first create an instance of the inputParser class and define the required and optional inputs using the `addRequired` and `addOptional` methods, respectively. We also specify the data type of the required/optional inputs using the third argument of these methods (the `@isnumeric` and `@ischar` functions in this case).

        The `parse` method is then used to parse the user-provided inputs. These inputs are specified using the `varargin` syntax, which allows the user to provide a variable number of inputs to the function.

        Finally, we use the parsed inputs to compute the result and return it from the function.
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