autoencoder for delete watemarks in matlab

To remove watermarks from images using autoencoder in Matlab, here are the steps:

  1. Load the image with the watermark.
  2. Create a mask of the same size as the image with the watermark. The mask should have white pixels in the areas where the watermark is present and black pixels elsewhere.
  3. Add noise to the image and the mask to increase the variation in the data.
  4. Normalize the values of the image and the mask to be between 0 and 1.
  5. Create an autoencoder network in Matlab with a few encoder and decoder layers.
  6. Train the autoencoder with the image and its corresponding mask as input and output pairs.
  7. Predict the output of the autoencoder for the image with the watermark to obtain the watermark-free image.

Here's the sample code in Matlab:

% Load the image with the watermark
img = imread('image_with_watermark.png');

% Create a mask of the same size as the image
mask = zeros(size(img,1), size(img,2));
mask(50:150, 50:150) = 1;  % Assuming the watermark is present in this region

% Add noise to the image and the mask
img_noisy = imnoise(img, 'gaussian', 0, 0.01);
mask_noisy = imnoise(mask, 'gaussian', 0, 0.01);

% Normalize the values of the image and the mask
img_normalized = double(img_noisy) / 255.0;
mask_normalized = double(mask_noisy) / 255.0;

% Define the autoencoder network
input_size = [size(img,1),size(img,2),3];  % assuming RGB images
latent_size = 64;  % adjust according to the dataset and problem
autoencoder = createAutoencoder(input_size, latent_size);

% Train the autoencoder
options = trainingOptions('adam', 'MaxEpochs', 10);
[autoencoder, info] = trainNetwork(img_normalized, mask_normalized, autoencoder, options);

% Remove the watermark from a new image using the trained autoencoder
img_new = imread('new_image_with_watermark.png');
img_new_normalized = double(img_new) / 255.0;
mask_new = predict(autoencoder, img_new_normalized);
img_new_no_watermark = img_new_normalized ./ mask_new;
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30 lines

Note that the above code assumes that you have defined the createAutoencoder function to create the autoencoder network, which is not shown here. You can define this function using the autoencoderLayers function in Matlab.

gistlibby LogSnag