create a script for fourier analysis with a sampling frequency of 100, omega of 2pi using elseif functions and plot the data in matlab

Here's an example code for performing Fourier analysis with a sampling frequency of 100 and omega of 2pi in MATLAB, using elseif functions:

% Create a signal, e.g. a sum of two sine waves
t = 0:0.01:10; % time vector
x = 5*sin(2*pi*5*t) + 2*sin(2*pi*20*t); % signal vector

% Compute the Fourier transform
n = length(x);
f = (0:n-1)*(100/n); % frequency vector
y = fft(x);

% Plot the original signal and its Fourier transform
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(t, x);
xlabel('Time (s)');
title('Original Signal');
subplot(2, 1, 2)
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
title('Fourier Transform');

% Find the dominant frequency component and its amplitude
amp = abs(y(1:n/2+1))*2/n; % normalized amplitude
[~, idx] = max(amp);
f_dom = f(idx);
amp_dom = amp(idx);
disp(['Dominant frequency component: ', num2str(f_dom), ' Hz']);
disp(['Amplitude of dominant frequency component: ', num2str(amp_dom)]);
796 chars
29 lines

Note that this script creates an example signal as a sum of two sine waves with frequencies of 5 Hz and 20 Hz, respectively. You can replace this with your own signal. Also, the script plots the original signal and its Fourier transform using the subplot function, which creates two subplots in the same figure. The dominant frequency component and its amplitude are found using the max function on the normalized amplitude vector.

Keep in mind that the sampling frequency and omega should affect how you generate your signal (for example, if you want a specific frequency component to appear at a certain point in time).

gistlibby LogSnag