plot a 3d magnetic filed generated by a 1a current through a 10 turns coil in matlab
% Define constantsI = 1; % Current in AmperesN = 10; % Number of turns in the coilradius = 1; % Radius of the coil% Create a grid for 3D plotting[x, y, z] = meshgrid(-2:0.1:2, -2:0.1:2, -2:0.1:2);
% Calculate magnetic field componentsBx = (mu_0 * N * I * radius^2 * (x - radius)) ./ ((x - radius).^2 + y^2 + z^2)^(3/2);
By = (mu_0 * N * I * radius^2 * y) ./ ((x - radius).^2 + y^2 + z^2)^(3/2);
Bz = 0;
% Plot the 3D magnetic fieldquiver3(x, y, z, Bx, By, Bz, 'b');
title('3D Magnetic Field Generated by 1A Current Through a 10 Turns Coil');
606 chars
20 lines
This code will create a 3D plot of the magnetic field generated by the coil in Matlab. Make sure to define the constant mu_0 which is the permeability of free space.